Detail guide on DaOpa's Melee / Heavy Gun character build for Fallout 76.
Welcome everyone, this is going to be a guide all about my character build for Fallout 76. My build is focused on solo gameplay with heavy guns and melee weapon primaries. This build in my opinion is a great overall build for leveling up also if you prefer to be doing it all by yourself and at a casual pace.
Lets start out with how special points look at level 50 for the build.

- Strength 15
- Having 15 points in strength allows you to max out on either heavy gun or melee related perks. It also assists with having more melee damage and carry weight totals.
- Perception 8
- Endurance 8
- Charisma 3
- Since this build is designed around being solo we dont need much points in charisma.
- Intelligence 9
- Needed for Gunsmith or Makeshift Warrior perks, swap out room for hacking and repair related perks.
- Agility 10
- AP regen
- Luck 3
- I generally only use this for Luck of the Draw perk to keep weapon durability up while using gatling or harpoon weapons.
Perk Card Setups w/Images
This is the setup used for heavy gun primary damage using a harpoon or gatling legendary.

Click on image to enlarge!
Needed perk cards at max rank for heavy gun focus.
- Heavy Gunner
- Expert Heavy Gunner
- Master Heavy Gunner
- Lock and Load
- Bullet Shield
- Gunsmith
- Luck of the Draw

Click on image to enlarge!
Needed perk cards at max rank for 2h melee weapon focus.
- Slugger
- Expert Slugger
- Master Slugger
- Martial Artist
- Incisor
- Makeshift Warrior
Some of the perks that you will be to swap out during game play will be the picklock and hacking focused cards. You can put them in when you need them and then take them out since they dont provide any additional value.
Many of the perception, endurance and agility related cards listed in the screenshots can also be switch out to other things depending on your game play preference.
Weapon Choices for this build include the following:
Heavy Guns

This is what I currently use, its a legendary two-shot flechette harpoon gun with double projectiles and explosion damage. You can swap out the gunsmith perk for demolition man to futher increase damage potentical as seen in the above screenshot. The main advantage to using a harpoon is that if you generally do not miss, you will generally be able to recover your ammo. With the flechette mod that will provide even more harpoon ammo.
Gatling Gun

This is what I currently use only for fighting against scorchbeast enemies, its a legendary two-shot gatling gun with additional projectile and explosion damage. You can swap out the gunsmith perk for demolition man to further increase damage potential as seen in the above screenshot.
Sledgehammer or Super Sledge with good legendary perks.
Power Armor
For endgame setup you will need a full set of X-01 power armor. Here are some of the recommended mod upgrades that I did on my setup.- Helmet - Sensor Array
- Arms - Optimized Bracers
- Legs - Calibrated Shocks
- Torso - Jet Pack (Heavy Gun) or Kinetic Dynamo (Melee)
That is the generally gist of my build for running solo on fallout 76. If you have any questions or comments fill free to post below.
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