- Joe Creigh
- Camp McClintock
- Wonders around the camp
- Fuzzy Brenda
- Camden Park
- Check around entrance area
- Tiffany Brantley
- Charleston Fire Dept.
- Look inside around testing room area
- Heather Ellis & Chloe
- Flatwoods
- Roams around the area
- Dylan Rhodes
- Welch Station
- Maram Ayari
- Watoga Transit Hub
- Check inside hub area
- Gilbert Hopson
- Vault Tech University
- Next to Statue on campus
- Dr Bethany Mangano
- Clarksburg
- In a tent behind the church
- Gnash
- Hornwright Industrial HQ
- Check little shack area
- ...
Sunday, April 19, 2020
List of Unique NPCs wandering in the Wastelanders Update
Here is a quick list of some of the wandering NPCs you can find while roaming around the map. Please note some of them will not always be at the locations and may require day or night to show up. If you know of any that are not currently on this list, fill free to comment below!
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Wastelanders Update and Patch notes
Welcome to biggest Fallout 76 update called, "Wastelanders"!
It brings a totally new principle story, including numerous missions to the game, just as a lot of individuals to meet as human NPCs. It additionally includes an dialogue system, NPC Factions, Allies for your C.A.M.P., new occasions, every day journeys, weapons, coverings, adversaries, and considerably more to the game. Peruse on for an outline of every one of these increments, just as different upgrades and bug fixes accompanying the present update.
Wastelanders Update Highlights
Update Version
This update is critical, and it will require a full download of the game customer. Download size for consoles will associate with 70 GB. For PC, download size will be roughly 54 GB through the Bethesda.net launcher, and around 68 GB by means of Steam.
Fallout 76 Now Available on Steam
Welcome to the Year 2103!
It's been a year since the entryway to Vault 76 moved open on Reclamation Day. A great deal has changed in Appalachia since you and other Vault Dwellers started reconstructing. There are numerous new individuals to meet and things to find as you proceed with your undertakings.
Here is a overview of the significant augmentations Wastelanders brings to you:
NPCs and Dialog
A New Main Quest
The appearance of new individuals in Appalachia implies there are numerous new undertakings to be had. Wastelanders carries a totally new story to Fallout 76 that you can reveal and investigate as you complete new fundamental missions.
The Raiders
The Raiders are to some degree survivors that fled Appalachia, who have now come back to recover land they accept is legitimately theirs. They've manufactured a base of activities, called Crater, at the Crashed Space Station.
At first, on the off chance that you experience Raiders in the wild they will be unfriendly and assault you. Indeed, even in Crater, anticipate a crisp gathering—their sellers won't manage you, and they'll bring something contrary to the welcome wagon.
In the long run, you will become familiar with them and can handle a harmony with them (and in the event that you need, their companionship in time).
The Settlers
The Settlers are an assortment of survivors assembled by some development laborers from the Washington D.C. territory. At the point when they heard there was land, they caravanned to Appalachia and repurposed existing structures at Spruce Knob to build Foundation.
The Settlers are glad to talk and exchange with you immediately. Like the Raiders, you can become more acquainted with the Settlers better after some time and become a partner to them.
Ward will offer a Daily Quest that can assist you with establishing a decent connection with these new-comers.
Gold Bullion and Faction Reputation
Wastelanders includes some new energizing weapons, protective layers, and different things. You can open these things by means of the new Gold Bullion framework.
Faction Reputation
A portion of the Wastelanders gear is just accessible as you become better companions with the Settlers and Raiders through the new Reputation System.
Another energizing expansion to Wastelanders, Allies are NPCs you will experience on the planet who can move into your C.A.M.P., help secure it, and stay with you.
Repeatable Events and Daily Quests
Event: Riding Shotgun
Backing up the driver is another occasion at Big Bend Tunnel East. Participate by talking with Vinny Costa close to the passageway to the Tunnel. He offers the occasion from time to time, so check in with him routinely in the event that you need to get him out.
Vendors from the Blue Ridge Caravan need to go through Big Bend Tunnel with their products, however wicked Blood Eagles are lying in pause, planning to make a simple score.
Effectively guard the Caravan as the dealers clear their path through the Tunnel, and you will be abundantly compensated.
Open Event: Radiation Rumble
Radiation Rumble is a difficult new Public Event that will show up on the guide at Emmett Mountain Disposal Site.
A gathering of Scavengers have focused on mining the valuable mineral discovered profound inside Emmett Mountain Disposal Site, however they've been gotten into a tight spot by misleading sparkling animals.
Parity your time between safeguarding the Scavengers and wandering out to assist them with mining mineral, and they'll give you a stake in the benefits—however recollect wear your Hazmat Suit!
Catch extra insights concerning the new Wastelanders Events right now.
New Daily Quests
There are four new every day missions accessible in Wastelanders: Two from the Raiders at Crater, one from the Settlers at Foundation, and one more that you'll find as you play through fundamental story journeys.
The Raider dailies exchange, with one of the two accessible to you every day.
Every one of the four dailies can be finished to procure Treasury Notes, XP, Caps, and some plunder.
Day by day missions from the Raiders and the Settlers will likewise grant you with some notoriety for your endeavors.
New Enemies
Investigate New and Updated Locations
We've made various new areas that you will find, for example, the Watoga Underground, The Deep, The Wayward, fresh recruits Eagle and Mothman Cultist camps, and the sky is the limit from there.
Furthermore, with the arrival of individuals to Appalachia, many have just left their blemish on the world. They've changed many existing areas, similar to the Crashed Space Station, Spruce Knob, and WV Lumber Co., among others, to all the more likely suit their necessities.
Art and Graphics
Day/Night Cycle: Daytime has been extended from 8 to 13 game hours, with the goal that you have more daylight while you journey, create, and investigate. Sunset, day break, and evening time have been abbreviated as needs be.
Lighting: We've made huge upgrades to all parts of our lighting and rendering frameworks to carry extra authenticity and differentiation to the game world.
General Updates
Vault 94: As referenced in a past declaration, Vault 94 and its Missions have been closed down alongside the arrival of Wastelanders.
A considerable lot of the thing rewards that you could procure by finishing Missions, including Strangler Heart Power Armor Plans, are currently accessible through the Gold Bullion framework.
Atomic Winter: The Storm currently naturally tightens dependent on the quantity of players who start a Nuclear Winter Match. This should assist players with getting to the enjoyment of a match all the more rapidly and invest less energy in matchmaking lines.
This change was initially actualized in Update 16, yet was returned after network input that the programmed narrowing was going on again and again. We've since made upgrades right now have carried this change back with the Wastelanders update.
Personal satisfaction Improvements
Mission U.I. Updates
Missions have gotten critical UI enhancements in the present update. Here is a synopsis of the alterations we've made:
The entirety of your mission markers will currently show up on the guide.
Dormant missions appear as dark guide markers, and journeys you're effectively following will show the yellow markers you're as of now acquainted with.
Primary journeys show square markers, while side, misc., and day by day missions show precious stone molded markers.
Clicking a mission marker on the guide will show a spring up demonstrating more subtleties and a depiction of that journey.
There are three new alternatives on this spring up that you can choose to stamp the mission as dynamic, make it your lone dynamic journey, or show the mission in your Pip-Boy.
When seeing a mission in your Pip-Boy, you would now be able to decide to show that journey's area on the guide.
New choices are accessible that you can flip to modify what kinds of missions are set apart as dynamic when you start them. Discover these in the Game Settings Menu
You can locate some more insights regarding these adjustments right now Fallout.com.
Extra Quality-of-Life Improvements
Incredible Enemies: A notice currently shows up and audio effects play when an unbelievable animal recovers to full wellbeing during battle.
Nuke Zones: Spawning into a functioning Nuke Zone when you join a world is unpleasant! Starting now and into the foreseeable future, if there's a functioning Nuke Zone at your login area, you will get a brief contribution you the choice to leave the ebb and flow world and quest for another.
You will be shielded from Radiation for a brief timeframe while you settle on your choice to remain or leave.
This assurance will end early in the event that you move, assault, or take harm.
Press and Hold: When seeing numerous sorts of pre-set things on the planet, you would now be able to press and hold your collaborate catch to rapidly utilize those things without entering your Pip-Boy.
For Example: You can press and hold the connect catch to rapidly prepare and most loved weapons you find, devour a guide thing, or gain proficiency with an arrangement or formula.
On the off chance that you'd like, you can in any case press the connect button without holding it down to add that thing to your stock.
Open Events: The depictions of Public Events on the guide currently incorporate a proposed player level.
Radio Host: another appearance named Julia has taken to the wireless transmissions to have Appalachia Radio. Check out catch her jokes in the middle of tracks.
Search Perks: The usefulness of "Search" Perks, similar to Scrounger and Pharma Farma, is currently programmed. You no longer need to press a catch to physically scan compartments for extra supplies. You will get an agreeable Vault Boy notice when your Perk has kicked in.
Bug Fixes
The Wastelanders update carries near 1,000 fixes for bugs that were formerly influencing the base game, including numerous that were accounted for to us by the Fallout 76 network. Since that rundown is so extensive, we've featured a choice of fixes that we figured you should think about or may discover intriguing as you plan to head again into Appalachia.
C.A.M.P. what's more, Workshops
Auto-Scrapping: The accompanying things no longer piece consequently when utilizing the Scrap All Junk button, since they are fixings in creating plans.

Wastelanders Update Highlights
- NPC's Are Back!: Whether looking for supposed fortune, or minor endurance, npcs have come back to Appalachia in huge numbers. Become acquainted with them through the new discourse framework.
- New Main Story: Experience the new story that Wastelanders brings to Fallout 76 by finishing all-new fundamental missions.
- Meet the Factions: Who will you side with: The Raiders at Crater, or the Settlers at Foundation? Help them in their undertakings to procure Reputation and open new things.
- Select an Ally: Certain NPCs can come to live in your C.A.M.P., help safeguard it, and offer you every day missions. Some likewise bring story missions and sentiment openings.
- More Events and Dailies: Take on testing new occasions, such as Riding Shotgun and Radiation Rumble. There are additionally four new every day missions to investigate.
- New Items and Enemies: Hunt down the huge Wendigo Colossus or a pack of Floaters, yet remember to pack your new Gauss Minigun!
- New and Updated Locations: fresh introductions in Appalachia are positively transforming the world. Find new and refreshed areas as you journey and investigate.
Update Version
This update is critical, and it will require a full download of the game customer. Download size for consoles will associate with 70 GB. For PC, download size will be roughly 54 GB through the Bethesda.net launcher, and around 68 GB by means of Steam.
- PC:
- PS4:
- Xbox:
Fallout 76 Now Available on Steam
- Calling all PC players! Fallout 76, including the Wastelanders update, is presently accessible for play on Steam notwithstanding the Bethesda.net launcher.
- On the off chance that you as of now play Fallout 76 on PC by means of Bethesda.net, the entirety of your advancement, Atomic Shop things, and companions will in any case be sitting tight for you in the event that you choose to play through Steam.
- If you don't mind note: Atom adjusts and Fallout first enrollments won't continue, however any things you purchase utilizing Atoms will.
- Presently through April 28, in the event that you go along with us on Steam you will likewise open the Fallout Classic Collection—a group that incorporates Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics—for nothing!
- Head to this article on Fallout.com to get familiar with Fallout 76 on Steam and find solutions to every now and again posed inquiries.
Welcome to the Year 2103!
It's been a year since the entryway to Vault 76 moved open on Reclamation Day. A great deal has changed in Appalachia since you and other Vault Dwellers started reconstructing. There are numerous new individuals to meet and things to find as you proceed with your undertakings.
Here is a overview of the significant augmentations Wastelanders brings to you:
NPCs and Dialog
- An entire host of new individuals have shown up in Appalachia, looking for their fortunes or only a sheltered spot to live. These NPCs can be discovered everywhere. Some of them you can converse with and have intelligent discussions.
- The mechanics of discourse are like Fallout 3 – you have an assortment of decisions, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. checks, and alternatives accessible to you logically.
- A solitary player reaction can have any number of decisions accessible, if there are a larger number of decisions than fit the showcase you can look down to see them all.
- Furthermore, full discussions have been added to a large number of the first NPCs of Fallout 76—characters like Rose, MODUS, and the Grafton Mayor (and the sky is the limit from there) can be occupied with exchange.
A New Main Quest
The appearance of new individuals in Appalachia implies there are numerous new undertakings to be had. Wastelanders carries a totally new story to Fallout 76 that you can reveal and investigate as you complete new fundamental missions.
- Only outside of Vault 76, you can plunge into the Wastelanders story and meet Lacey and Isela, who will control you to encounter the Wayward mission line.
- At level 20, the full fundamental mission opens in Sutton. It will get you familiar with the two biggest groups in Appalachia – the Raiders and Settlers.
- During the Main Quest you should pick which side you work with, however for a long while you can do missions for the two groups until you hit a final turning point.
- The first Fallout 76 principle mission is as yet accessible, however anticipate new contacts of life. Both with new NPCs and full exchange with existing NPCs.
- It would be ideal if you Note: To suit new missions and story content, some new no-C.A.M.P. zones have been added to areas on the planet.
- In the event that your C.A.M.P. was in one of these zones and can never again be set, you will be told on joining a world, and you will have the option to move your C.A.M.P. for nothing.
The Raiders
The Raiders are to some degree survivors that fled Appalachia, who have now come back to recover land they accept is legitimately theirs. They've manufactured a base of activities, called Crater, at the Crashed Space Station.
At first, on the off chance that you experience Raiders in the wild they will be unfriendly and assault you. Indeed, even in Crater, anticipate a crisp gathering—their sellers won't manage you, and they'll bring something contrary to the welcome wagon.
In the long run, you will become familiar with them and can handle a harmony with them (and in the event that you need, their companionship in time).
The Settlers
The Settlers are an assortment of survivors assembled by some development laborers from the Washington D.C. territory. At the point when they heard there was land, they caravanned to Appalachia and repurposed existing structures at Spruce Knob to build Foundation.
The Settlers are glad to talk and exchange with you immediately. Like the Raiders, you can become more acquainted with the Settlers better after some time and become a partner to them.
Ward will offer a Daily Quest that can assist you with establishing a decent connection with these new-comers.
Gold Bullion and Faction Reputation
Wastelanders includes some new energizing weapons, protective layers, and different things. You can open these things by means of the new Gold Bullion framework.
- In the wake of finishing the Main Quest, you will access Gold Bullion, another in-game cash.
- Gold Bullion can be accumulated by trading Treasury Notes at Gold Press Machines, up to an every day limit.
- Treasury Notes can be earned from Wastelanders every day missions and by finishing Public Events.
- Gold Bullion can likewise be bought legitimately from a merchant in the Wayward utilizing Caps, up to a week after week limit.
- There are three Gold Bullion Vendors: One at Crater, one at Foundation, and another in an area you'll open during the primary story. Every merchant will offer you an alternate arrangement of new Wastelanders things in return for Gold Bullion.
Faction Reputation
A portion of the Wastelanders gear is just accessible as you become better companions with the Settlers and Raiders through the new Reputation System.
- Increase notoriety with these groups by finishing story missions for them, settling on in-game choices, and by doing their every day journeys.
- Things you can arrive in such a state incorporate weapons like the Gauss Shotgun or Gauss Minigun, C.A.M.P. things like Farmable Tiles, and even the yummy Appalachia treat—Pepperoni Rolls, among others.
Another energizing expansion to Wastelanders, Allies are NPCs you will experience on the planet who can move into your C.A.M.P., help secure it, and stay with you.
- Allies additionally give adventuring openings through day by day missions they offer.
- Two of the Allies are exceptional. Both have a smaller than usual journey line, sentiment openings, and offer the opportunity to truly become acquainted with some intriguing characters.
- When you arrive at level 10, strike out to the Ash Heap or the Mire so as to meet them!
Repeatable Events and Daily Quests
Event: Riding Shotgun
Backing up the driver is another occasion at Big Bend Tunnel East. Participate by talking with Vinny Costa close to the passageway to the Tunnel. He offers the occasion from time to time, so check in with him routinely in the event that you need to get him out.
Vendors from the Blue Ridge Caravan need to go through Big Bend Tunnel with their products, however wicked Blood Eagles are lying in pause, planning to make a simple score.
Effectively guard the Caravan as the dealers clear their path through the Tunnel, and you will be abundantly compensated.
Open Event: Radiation Rumble
Radiation Rumble is a difficult new Public Event that will show up on the guide at Emmett Mountain Disposal Site.
A gathering of Scavengers have focused on mining the valuable mineral discovered profound inside Emmett Mountain Disposal Site, however they've been gotten into a tight spot by misleading sparkling animals.
Parity your time between safeguarding the Scavengers and wandering out to assist them with mining mineral, and they'll give you a stake in the benefits—however recollect wear your Hazmat Suit!
Catch extra insights concerning the new Wastelanders Events right now.
New Daily Quests
There are four new every day missions accessible in Wastelanders: Two from the Raiders at Crater, one from the Settlers at Foundation, and one more that you'll find as you play through fundamental story journeys.
The Raider dailies exchange, with one of the two accessible to you every day.
Every one of the four dailies can be finished to procure Treasury Notes, XP, Caps, and some plunder.
Day by day missions from the Raiders and the Settlers will likewise grant you with some notoriety for your endeavors.
New Enemies
- Floaters are returning animals from past Fallout games. They come in three varieties: Flamer, Freezer, and Chomper.
- They aren't especially intense, however when they swarm in with their Super Freak brethren, they can truly change a fight.
- The tricky Wendigo Colossus is an unnerving mass supposed to just back its head in regions hit by nuclear fire.
- They are genuinely extreme, and even a generous globe-trotter will think that its difficult to set things straight with only one. On the off chance that you intend to chase down a Wendigo Colossus bring companions—loads of them!
- Murderous and coldblooded, the Blood Eagles are a gathering of human heels filled by chems, who treat the Wasteland like their own play area.
- Considerably all the more alarming are their numbers. Groups of Blood Eagles have jumped up all through Appalachia, so keep your weapons close and be prepared to guard yourself.
- Nobody is very certain what these strange cultists are doing, however they've as of late started occupying a couple of existing areas in Appalachia.
- Remain wary in the event that you experience these cultists in nature. You can be certain that they won't let you or any other individual impede their. . . customs.
Investigate New and Updated Locations
We've made various new areas that you will find, for example, the Watoga Underground, The Deep, The Wayward, fresh recruits Eagle and Mothman Cultist camps, and the sky is the limit from there.
Furthermore, with the arrival of individuals to Appalachia, many have just left their blemish on the world. They've changed many existing areas, similar to the Crashed Space Station, Spruce Knob, and WV Lumber Co., among others, to all the more likely suit their necessities.
Art and Graphics
Day/Night Cycle: Daytime has been extended from 8 to 13 game hours, with the goal that you have more daylight while you journey, create, and investigate. Sunset, day break, and evening time have been abbreviated as needs be.
Lighting: We've made huge upgrades to all parts of our lighting and rendering frameworks to carry extra authenticity and differentiation to the game world.
General Updates
Vault 94: As referenced in a past declaration, Vault 94 and its Missions have been closed down alongside the arrival of Wastelanders.
A considerable lot of the thing rewards that you could procure by finishing Missions, including Strangler Heart Power Armor Plans, are currently accessible through the Gold Bullion framework.
Atomic Winter: The Storm currently naturally tightens dependent on the quantity of players who start a Nuclear Winter Match. This should assist players with getting to the enjoyment of a match all the more rapidly and invest less energy in matchmaking lines.
This change was initially actualized in Update 16, yet was returned after network input that the programmed narrowing was going on again and again. We've since made upgrades right now have carried this change back with the Wastelanders update.
Personal satisfaction Improvements
Mission U.I. Updates
Missions have gotten critical UI enhancements in the present update. Here is a synopsis of the alterations we've made:
The entirety of your mission markers will currently show up on the guide.
Dormant missions appear as dark guide markers, and journeys you're effectively following will show the yellow markers you're as of now acquainted with.
Primary journeys show square markers, while side, misc., and day by day missions show precious stone molded markers.
Clicking a mission marker on the guide will show a spring up demonstrating more subtleties and a depiction of that journey.
There are three new alternatives on this spring up that you can choose to stamp the mission as dynamic, make it your lone dynamic journey, or show the mission in your Pip-Boy.
When seeing a mission in your Pip-Boy, you would now be able to decide to show that journey's area on the guide.
New choices are accessible that you can flip to modify what kinds of missions are set apart as dynamic when you start them. Discover these in the Game Settings Menu
You can locate some more insights regarding these adjustments right now Fallout.com.
Extra Quality-of-Life Improvements
Incredible Enemies: A notice currently shows up and audio effects play when an unbelievable animal recovers to full wellbeing during battle.
Nuke Zones: Spawning into a functioning Nuke Zone when you join a world is unpleasant! Starting now and into the foreseeable future, if there's a functioning Nuke Zone at your login area, you will get a brief contribution you the choice to leave the ebb and flow world and quest for another.
You will be shielded from Radiation for a brief timeframe while you settle on your choice to remain or leave.
This assurance will end early in the event that you move, assault, or take harm.
Press and Hold: When seeing numerous sorts of pre-set things on the planet, you would now be able to press and hold your collaborate catch to rapidly utilize those things without entering your Pip-Boy.
For Example: You can press and hold the connect catch to rapidly prepare and most loved weapons you find, devour a guide thing, or gain proficiency with an arrangement or formula.
On the off chance that you'd like, you can in any case press the connect button without holding it down to add that thing to your stock.
Open Events: The depictions of Public Events on the guide currently incorporate a proposed player level.
Radio Host: another appearance named Julia has taken to the wireless transmissions to have Appalachia Radio. Check out catch her jokes in the middle of tracks.
Search Perks: The usefulness of "Search" Perks, similar to Scrounger and Pharma Farma, is currently programmed. You no longer need to press a catch to physically scan compartments for extra supplies. You will get an agreeable Vault Boy notice when your Perk has kicked in.
Bug Fixes
The Wastelanders update carries near 1,000 fixes for bugs that were formerly influencing the base game, including numerous that were accounted for to us by the Fallout 76 network. Since that rundown is so extensive, we've featured a choice of fixes that we figured you should think about or may discover intriguing as you plan to head again into Appalachia.
C.A.M.P. what's more, Workshops
Auto-Scrapping: The accompanying things no longer piece consequently when utilizing the Scrap All Junk button, since they are fixings in creating plans.
- Bleached Dogwood
- Bloatfly Gland
- Bloodbug Proboscis
- Cooking Oil
- Digested Goo
- Mole Rat Teeth
- Mr. Handy Fuel
- Radscorpion Stinger
- Stingwing Barb
- Tick Blood Sac
- Billboards: Reduced the C.A.M.P. budget cost of many Neon Billboards by 50%.
- Lights: The Mid-Century Disc Lamp now correctly illuminates downward.
- Scrapping: The Tinker’s Workbench now generates components when scrapped.
- Scrapping: Urban and Forest Scout Armor pieces now generate components when scrapped.
- Turrets: Addressed an issue that could prevent Turrets from firing at enemies in close range.
- V.A.T.S.: Entering V.A.T.S. while firing an automatic weapon no longer causes the weapon to stop firing.
- V.A.T.S.: Frag Mines can now be destroyed by shots fired in V.A.T.S.
- Auto Grenade Launcher: The Heavy Barrel mod no longer incorrectly states that it increases damage.
- Baseball Grenade: Now requires 2 Cork to craft in addition to its other components, and no longer requires a Baseball.
- Baseballs now automatically scrap when using the Scrap All Junk button.
- Baseball Grenade: Damage increased to bring Baseball Grenades in line with other types of Grenades.
- Bolt-Action Weapons: Players no longer get stuck aiming down sights after pressing the button to aim down sights while chambering a round in a bolt-action weapon.
- Buffout: Fixed an issue causing Bufftats to count toward Buffout and Mentats-related Challenges.
- Cultist Blade: Damage increased so that the Cultist Blade is now slightly stronger than the Machete at every level.
- Disease Cure: Can now be sold to Vendors for Caps.
- Eyebot Helmet: Crafting an Eyebot Helmet now requires a Military Circuit Board instead of an Assaultron Circuit Board.
- Fusion Core: Fixed an issue that could deplete a Fusion Core in the player’s inventory when exiting Power Armor.
- Gatling Laser: Reloading a Gatling Laser early no longer causes multiple Fusion Cores to be loaded, which could prevent the player from firing other weapons.
- Gatling Weapons: Firing a Gatling Laser or Gatling Plasma with a fully charged Fusion Core no longer empties the magazine after just a few shots, or prevents the magazine from being topped off when reloading.
- Handmade Rifle: The Stinging Magazine mod no longer holds more ammo than intended, and now has an ammo capacity of 25.
- Harpoon Gun: Legendary Harpoon Guns can no longer incorrectly spawn with the Explosive attribute.
- Legendary Armor: Solar and Thorn Armors can now correctly spawn with the Unyielding legendary attribute.
- Legendary Weapons: The +250 Damage Resistance While Reloading legendary attribute no longer causes a legendary weapon’s primary attribute to stop functioning.
- Magazines: Tumblers Today Issue #2 now correctly grants the player the ability to find extra Bobby Pins in Bobby Pin Boxes, and the effect’s description has been updated to match.
- Meat Hook: Now only benefits from unarmed Perks, and is no longer incorrectly affected by one-handed melee Perks.
- Molotov Cocktail: Now requires 2 Glass to craft in addition to its other components, and no longer requires a Beer Bottle.
- Beer Bottles now automatically scrap when using the Scrap All Junk button.
- Plasma Grenade: Explosion visual effects now more closely match the Plasma Grenade’s explosion radius.
- Psychotats: Fixed an issue causing Psychotats to count toward Buffout-related Challenges.
- Rad-X Diluted: The description no longer states that it suppresses Mutations.
- Salvaged Assaultron Head: Fixed an issue causing the Salvaged Assaultron Head to deal the same amount of damage at every charge level.
- Scout Armor: The Forest Scout Armor Mask can now be worn with other types of headwear.
- Shovel: Now correctly benefits from two-handed melee Perks.
- Strangler Heart Power Armor: Acid attacks from players wearing Strangler Heart Power Armor no longer cause performance issues or crashes.
- This fix resulted in multiple adjustments for Strangler Heart acid attacks and damage. You can learn about those changes in-depth by reading this article.
- Strangler Heart Power Armor: Power Armor Chassis with Strangler Heart pieces equipped can no longer be dropped.
- Tesla Rifle: Is now correctly categorized as an Energy Weapon in Workbenches, rather than a Heavy Weapon.
- The Action Hero: The Gold .50 Cal Paint from the Atomic Shop can now be applied to The Action Hero.
- Ultracite Fusion Core: Can no longer incorrectly be used as Fusion Cores for Power Armor.
- Ultracite Plasma Cartridge: Increased the amount of ammo created when crafting Ultracite Plasma Cartridges from 60 to 120 to better match other types of Ultracite ammo.
- Carnivore: Now correctly doubles the benefits of consuming pre-packaged meats, like Cram and Salisbury Steak.
- Herd Mentality: Fixed an issue that prevented players with Herd Mentality from sharing Perks despite having enough points in Charisma.
- Butcher’s Bounty: Can now correctly trigger when searching dead Hermit Crabs.
- Crack Shot: Description corrected to state that the Perk’s benefits apply while aiming down sights, rather than “while sighted.”
- Long Shot: Description corrected to state that the Perk’s benefits apply while aiming down sights, rather than “while sighted.”
- Luck of the Draw: Can now correctly trigger when firing the Gatling Plasma, Gatling Laser, and automatic weapons.
- Luck of the Draw: Fixed an issue that prevented fanfare from appearing on-screen when Luck of the Draw Rank 2 triggered.
- Perk Sharing: Now only considers a character’s base Charisma. Bonus Charisma provided by Chems, gear, Perks, and other effects no longer incorrectly count towards Perk sharing.
- Always Vigilant: The quest timer has been reduced from 30 to 15 minutes, and a 2-minute timer has been added to repair Rover.
- Cop a Squatter: No longer restarts every time the player logs in if they have already completed it that day.
- Ecological Balance: Amy’s Note now remains in the player’s inventory after completing the quest.
- Miscellaneous: Fixed an issue preventing the “Clear the Flooded Trainyard” misc. quest from appearing to players at the Flooded Trainyard in Cranberry Bog if someone had already completed the quest in that World.
- Miscellaneous: The “Kill a Wendigo while wearing a clown costume” misc. quest, it will no longer reappear to a player every time they log in if they have already completed it.
- Compass: Location markers in the Compass now more consistently match their orientations in the game world.
- Notifications: Fanfare and the list of rewards earned now correctly appear on the screen after completing a Daily Quest.
- Notifications: The number of Caps earned now correctly appears on the screen after completing a quest or event.
- Pip-Boy: Fixed a visual issue causing some Legendary Weapons to occasionally display incorrect attributes in their Pip-Boy descriptions after logging out and back in.
- Revive: Diluted and Super Stimpaks can now be used to revive downed players.
- Settings: The World Radios volume slider in the Audio settings menu now correctly affects Jukebox audio.
- Social: Large friend lists have been optimized. Players should no longer experience in-game hitching as a result of having a very large friends list.
- Social: Entering an invalid or nonexistent name into the Social Menu no longer prevents the player from interacting with other in-game menus.
- Sorting: Scrapping an item no longer causes the player’s inventory list to re-sort.
- Vending and Trade: Players can now sell items for up to 30,000 Caps through their Vending Machines or direct trade.
- Workbenches: Pressing the exit confirmation button when leaving a Workbench no longer causes the player immediately re-enter the Workbench.
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