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Friday, November 2, 2018

Survival guide tips

Check out all the loading screen survival guide tips for Fallout 76!
survival guide tips + lore

Over 260 game tips and lore information for Fallout 76 available from the loading screen survival guide. Here is the list:
  • "Taggerdy's Thunder" was a US Army Ranger unit led by Lieutenant Elizabeth Taggerdy. She continued to lead her troops - as a Paladin - after they all joined the Brotherhood of Steel
  • A hand-held catapult might not sound like an effective infantry weapon, but if that catapult launches miniature nuclear bombs? Now you're talking
  • A horrifying result of experiments with the experimental Forced Evolutionary Virus, the Snallygaster has six legs, numerous eyes along its back, and an extended tongue covered in acidic goo
  • A powerful painkiller, Med-X grants a temporary bonus to Damage Resistance
  • A powerful steroid, Buffout grants temporary bonuses to Strength, Endurance, and maximum Health
  • A small town near the Vault 76 construction site, Flatwoods was home to a local motel, tavern, and church. Vault-Tec projections for the survivability of the residents of this area were not optimistic
  • A terrifyingly simple idea, the Deathclaw Gauntlet is built from the severed arm of its namesake. Constructed of thick, hand-welded steel or aluminum, Metal Armor offers additional protection against physical damage
  • A weaponized chainsaw the size of a large knife, the Ripper can tear into opponents, causing devastating melee damage
  • According to local folklore - as well as a statue and museum in Point Pleasant, West Virginia - the Mothman is a terrifying half-man, half-moth hybrid. Pray you never encounter it and learn the truth
  • Addictol completely cures its user of all addictions. Late in 2060, the U.S. military deployed their unmanned Cargobots all over Appalachia. They proved ideal for providing reconnaissance and delivering supplies in even the most hostile conditions
  • After the bombs fell, several wealthy tourists on Appalachian ski holidays reverted to their baser instincts. Selfishness turned to violence, and these entitled elitists became vicious Raiders
  • After the Great War, Appalachia's emergency personnel mobilized to help their fellow citizens. These Responders became part government, part crisis relief.
  • Agility is a measure of your overall finesse and reflexes. It determines your Action Points in V.A.T.S. and your ability to sneak.
  • All public services in the city of Watoga were designed to be completely automated, including a full staff of security robots
  • Allegheny Asylum was originally built in the mid-1800s as a treatment facility for the mentally ill
  • Already grouped up with your friends? Quickplay PvE will match you all together
  • Although relatively untouched by the bombs, the Forest region of Appalachia is still home to the mutated beasts that now roam the countryside. Survivors even reported finding mutated plants with unusual properties..
  • Always low on ammo? Equip the Scrounger Perk, and you'll have an increased chance to find extra ammunition in containers
  • Always running low on Action Points? Equip the Action Boy or Action Girl Perks, and you'll regenerate Action Points faster
  • An exotic weapon, the Syringer is used to deliver a variety of ingenious and cruel chemicals to an opponent
  • Automatic weapons fire continuously as their trigger is pulled. They include the Submachine Gun, and versions of the Assault Rifle and Combat Rifle
  • Basic cooking recipes will unlock when you first pick up a new type of raw food
  • Be careful taking too many chems. Not only do you risk addiction, but many chems increase hunger and thirst
  • Before the Great War, Appalachian mining companies and other industrial interests pursued automation to a near unprecedented degree, leading to widespread job loss and civil unrest
  • Before the Great War, the mountains of Appalachia were home to ski resorts, bed and breakfasts, and cabins available to rent by eager tourists
  • Before the war, Mount Blair was a large-scale coal mining site where gigantic digging machines removed entire portions of the mountaintop at once
  • Behold the design philosophy of the Super Sledge
  • Black Powder weapons were considered relics even before the Great War. Extremely slow to reload, they can still be deadly in the hands of an expert
  • Built by defense contractor West Tek, the T-45 series of Power Armor was the first to be successfully deployed on the battlefield. Its introduction changed the nature of modern warfare
  • Built from the ruins of Allegheny Asylum, Fort Defiance served as headquarters for the newly-established Appalachian branch of the Brotherhood of Steel
  • Built in 1858, The Whitespring was famous for its southern style and sulphur springs
  • Built to provide power to the Steel Mill, the Grafton Dam is now filled with the polluted waters of the Toxic Valley
  • But what is the Plague's source? And can it be stopped? The region of Appalachia known to survivors as the "Savage Divide" is a mountainous area whose rocky landscape is difficult to cross and easy to get lost in
  • By the time of the Great War, they were a common sight in all U.S. military engagements
  • Camp Venture was a survival skills training facility, open to tourists who wanted to learn how to rough it out in the wilderness. Hopefully, those lessons came in handy
  • Charisma is your ability to work with others. It affects which Perks you can share with your team, the rewards from completing Group Quests, and the prices you get when buying from and selling to vendors
  • Charleston was the capitol of West Virginia and one of the largest cities in the area. Prior to the Great War, it was a hotbed of political dissent and saw countless protests for workers' rights
  • Contracted a Mutation but want it gone? You can attempt to cure it by using RadAway
  • Crafted from actual destroyed robots, the high-tech plating of Robot Armor offers additional protection against energy damage
  • Creatures will sometimes band together in a Horde, led by a powerful Alpha creature
  • Defeat the Alpha to stop the Horde from spawning more creatures
  • Designed to protect soldiers in any situation, Combat Armor gives the wearer equal amounts of resistance to physical and energy damage
  • Despite being a land of incredible technological achievement, war and civil strife came to define much of American life by 2077, when things finally erupted into global nuclear Armageddon
  • Developed by Garrahan Mining Co., the "Excavator" class of Power Armor never saw full production, despite being heavily advertised in Appalachia as the future of mining
  • Developed by the United States military as a combat drug, Psycho grants a temporary bonus to Damage dealt and Damage Resistance
  • Diseases spread by being attacked by creatures, eating raw food, swimming in or drinking dirty water, or spending too much time in a hazardous environment
  • Durable, easy to carry, and quickly recognizable, the Nuka-Cola bottle cap is one of the most common currencies used by traders in post-war America
  • Each Quickplay PvE session features an Event that you and your team are tasked with completing
  • Easily modified, reliable, and packing decent stopping power, the 10mm Pistol is one of the most trusted sidearms in the Wasteland for a reason
  • Eliminate enemy players to score points and bring victory for your side in Team Deathmatch!
  • Endurance is a measure of your overall physical fitness. It affects your total Health, Action Point drain from sprinting, and chance to get a Disease
  • Equip the Awareness Perk, and you'll see a target's damage resistances when you're in V.A.T.S.!
  • Equip the Bloody Mess Perk, and you'll do more damage in combat, and enemies will sometimes explode into a gory paste when they die
  • Equip the Butcher's Bounty Perk for an increased chance to find extra meat when searching animal corpses
  • Equip the Iron Fist Perk, and your unarmed attacks do more damage and gain a chance to stagger your opponent
  • Equip the Junk Shield Perk, and the more junk you're carrying, the greater your Damage Resistance bonus
  • Equip the Lead Belly Perk to reduce radiation damage from eating and drinking
  • Equip the Marathoner Perk, and sprinting will consume less Action Points while you are unarmored
  • Equip the Mysterious Savior Perk, and an unknown ally will occasionally appear and revive you when you're downed
  • Equip the Mysterious Stranger Perk, and an unknown ally will occasionally appear in V.A.T.S. to lend a hand
  • Equip the Rad Sponge perk, and whenever you take radiation damage, you remove radiation damage from your teammates
  • Equip the the Starched Genes Perk, and you'll be less likely to be mutated by radiation and RadAway will remove Mutations less often
  • Even without additional limb armor, a Power Armor frame still provides tactical advantages, like increased carry weight, greater melee damage and the elimination of falling damage
  • Every time you level up, you can increase a SPECIAL attribute and choose a new Perk. Once your level is higher than 50, your SPECIAL's will stop increasing, but you will continue to gain new Perks
  • Expert scavengers, the Raider groups of Appalachia were surprisingly ingenious when it came to salvaging old world technology
  • Explosive weapons deal damage in a wide area of effect. They include grenades, mines, the Fat Man, and the Missile Launcher
  • Fast travel quickly moves you to a previously discovered location, but at the cost of caps
  • Feeling hungry? Equip the Can Do! Perk for an increased chance to find extra canned goods when searching containers
  • Feral Ghouls were once human beings. Their minds are completely gone, destroyed by radiation, leading only to violent, uncontrollable rage
  • Few creatures, real or imagined, terrify West Virginians quite like the Wendigo. Possessing alarming speed, razor-sharp claws and an insatiable hunger for raw flesh, it is truly the stuff of nightmares.
  • Finding an installment of the US Covert Ops Training Manual will temporarily give you a unique bonus, like increased damage resistance while sneaking or increased damage to other players
  • Finding an issue of Astonishingly Awesome Tales will temporarily give you a unique bonus, like reduced damage from robots or increased RadAway effectiveness
  • Finding an issue of Backwoodsman will temporarily give you a unique bonus, like cheaper weapon crafting or increased healing from cooked food
  • Finding an issue of Grognak the Barbarian will temporarily give you a unique bonus, like increased melee damage or reduced weight for all melee weapons
  • Finding an issue of Guns and Bullets will temporarily give you a unique bonus, like increased critical damage from ballistic weapons or additional components from scrapping weapons
  • Finding an issue of Live and Love will temporarily give you a unique bonus, like increased Health or damage dealt when you're on a team
  • Finding an issue of Scout's Life will temporarily give you a unique bonus, like reduced damage from insects or increased carry weight
  • Finding an issue of Tales from the West Virginia Hills will temporarily give you a unique bonus, like increased damage to a specific type of creature
  • Finding an issue of Tesla Science will temporarily give you a unique bonus, like reduced damage from Plasma weapons or increased Radiation Resistance
  • Finding an issue of The Unstoppables will temporarily give you a unique bonus, like the ability to avoid damage from a specific type of weapon
  • Finding an issue of Tumblers Today will temporarily give you a unique bonus, like making your Bobby Pins unbreakable or increasing your effective skill when picking locks
  • Food in your inventory will spoil more slowly if you have the Good With Salt Perk equipped
  • Forget "stop, drop and roll." Equip the Friendly Fire Perk, and teammates will regenerate Health whenever you hit them with flame attacks (accidentally or not)
  • General Atomics International built the Miss Nanny robot as a female counterpart to the Mister Handy. Both are equally adept in their duties and feature the same interchangeable implements
  • Give back! The Overly Generous Perk gives your melee attacks a chance to inflict Radiation Damage. The more Rads you have, the higher the chance
  • Go Fighting Wendigos!
  • Government facilities dot the landscape of Appalachia's mountains
  • Grafton Steel Mill was the center of economic development for the town of Grafton, and its large, industrial machines remain relatively intact
  • Hacking a terminal requires you to have a number of Hacker perks equipped equal to the skill level of the terminal
  • Harpers Ferry was a small town that depended on tourism. This put them at odds with the growing "Free States" movement, whose conspiracy theories put off patriotic visitors
  • Hate to eat alone? Equip the Philanthropist Perk, and whenever you eat or drink, your teammates will also satisfy a small amount of thirst and hunger
  • Heavy Guns are generally large, bulky, and exceedingly powerful. They include non-explosive energy and ballistic weapons such as the Flamer, Gatling Laser, and Minigun
  • Help a struggling Mr. Handy unit retrieve honey
  • Highly sought after by hunters and assassins throughout the Wasteland, Calmex grants a temporary bonus to Perception, Agility, and Sneak Attack damage
  • If you're worried your Vault Suit doesn't offer enough protection, you can mix and match pieces of all armor types and wear them directly over it
  • In 2031, Vault-Tec re-branded Morgantown's local college as Vault-Tec University, and some of their top executives and scientists either taught or graduated from there
  • In pre-war West Virginia, near the town of Flatwoods, many claimed to see a dark, mysterious figure with glowing eyes. Was this Flatwoods Monster some kind of demon? Or something far worse?
  • In the event of your untimely demise, you can respawn at your C.A.M.P., a fast travel location, or outside the entrance of Vault 76
  • In the region survivors dubbed the "Ash Heap," a thick layer of filthy smoke blankets the area, providing cover for friend and foe alike
  • Intelligence is a measure of your overall mental acuity. It affects the Condition and Durability of crafted items, the amount of material gained from Scrapping, and the difficulty of Hacking
  • Keep forgetting to use your Stimpaks? Equip the Born Survivor Perk, and you'll automatically use a Stimpak when your health drops too low
  • Keep prying hands off your stuff! The Locksmith Perk allows you to craft locks for your containers
  • Keep your team in the fight! Equip the E.M.T. Perk, and players you revive will also regenerate health for a short period of time
  • Known as the "Mire" by the survivors of Appalachia, this swampy region is home to twisting vines, large tree canopies, and tall grass. All easy places for things to hide..
  • Laser weapons, like the Laser Rifle and Laser Pistol, deal energy damage
  • Low on caps? Equip the Fortune Finder Perk, and you'll receive a directional audio cue when a Caps Stash is nearby
  • Luck is a measure of your general good fortune. It affects the recharge rate of Critical Hits and the Condition and Durability of items you loot
  • Most of Appalachia considered the Free States movement to be nothing but political agitators and traitors. After the war, many of these same people would turn to the Free States for help
  • Mutant Hounds are typically raised and trained by Super Mutants, who use them as vicious guard and attack dogs
  • Mutated plants known as "Strangler" vines infest the Mire. They seem to attach to living things, notably the large trees in the area
  • Natural water sources are irradiated and carry disease. Drink directly from rivers and streams at your peril
  • Need more from your Stimpaks? Equip the First Aid Perk, and they'll heal more damage
  • Nestled in the mountains is a spiritual retreat center known as the Palace of the Winding Path. Its unique architecture stands in stark contrast to the rest of Appalachia
  • No time to cook? Equip the Iron Stomach Perk, and you'll be less likely to catch a disease from eating raw food
  • Non-automatic weapons fire one shot with each pull of their trigger
  • On October 23rd, 2077, in what came to be known as the "Great War," the world was engulfed in nuclear fire. In the United States, a fortunate minority escaped to the safety of great underground Vaults
  • Outclassed only by Power Armor, every piece of Marine Combat Armor provides exceptional protection in nearly every battlefield scenario
  • Outside of specific PvP events, players do reduced damage to other players until both sides have attacked each other
  • Paladin Taggerdy was known for only recruiting from those who had military experience and found it difficult to coordinate with the other, more "civilian" factions in Appalachia
  • Paranoid that the government was lying to its people about the Vault program, the Free States movement built their own concrete bunkers to survive in case of nuclear devastation.
  • Perception is your sense of environmental awareness. It affects your hit chance in V.A.T.S. and the distance that hostiles will show up on your compass
  • Pew pew! Using a collected Vault Boy bobblehead will grant a significant, long-term (though temporary) bonus, like an increase to a SPECIAL attribute
  • Picking a lock requires you to have a number of Picklock perks equipped equal to the skill level of the lock
  • Pipe weapons, such as the Pipe Revolver and Pipe Rifle, are crude, low-tech and highly modifiable
  • Pistols are typically smaller than rifles and fire faster, but generally do less damage
  • Place and relocate the C.A.M.P. from the Pip-Boy
  • Plasma weapons, like the Plasma Rifle and Plasma Pistol, deal energy damage
  • Popular with students and scientists alike, Mentats grant a temporary bonus to Perception and Intelligence
  • Quickplay PvE matches you with other players, ready to face the challenges of Appalachia as a team
  • Radstags have a natural fear of predators and are likely to run as soon as they see you. If cornered, they can employ their sharp hooves to surprisingly deadly effect
  • Radtoads use their elongated tongues to ambush prey at a distance. If attacked, they unleash clouds of poison gas and send out swarms of their own offspring to harass opponents
  • Raw meat and plant ingredients may satisfy hunger, but cooking them will increase their effectiveness and removes the risk of disease
  • Razor-sharp claws, towering size, and surprising speed have made the Deathclaw one of the most feared predators of the Wasteland
  • Repeated unprovoked attacks against other players can cause you to become Wanted, allowing anyone to freely attack you
  • Rifles are generally long, of average size, and require two hands to fire. They include the Assault Rifle, Combat Rifle, Hunting Rifle, Laser Rifle, and Submachine Gun
  • Scavenged and restored by Appalachia's vicious and anarchistic gangs, Raider Power Armor features crude plating, rusty spikes, and significant battlefield protection
  • Serums also both suppress the negative effects and increase the positive effects of that Mutation for a limited period of time
  • Shotguns, like the pump-action and double-barreled, do more damage the closer you are to the target
  • Sleeping in a bed will give you a "Rested" bonus that boosts your earned XP for a limited time
  • Smoke and cinders constantly bellow up from the mines in the Ash Heap. Survivors believed this was caused by fires in the tunnels below, raging unceasingly for some unknown reason
  • Sold as "happiness in a bottle," Daytripper grants a temporary bonus to Charisma and Luck, but also a temporary penalty to Strength
  • Still rich in plant and animal life, it is an ideal place to scrounge for food and water
  • Stingwings use their impressive speed and poisoned stingers to wear down their opponents, but a well-placed hit or two can easily shatter their frail bodies
  • Strength is a measure of your raw physical power. It affects how much you can carry, and determines the damage of all melee attacks
  • Survival and security became paramount after the devastation of the Great War, and the Responders desperately tried to help as many of their neighbors as they could
  • Taking a Mutation Serum will instantly grant you that Mutation
  • Team Deathmatch is timed. The highest scoring team within the time limit, or the first team to score 50 points, wins
  • The Alien Blaster is a powerful energy beam weapon that can completely disintegrate enemies
  • The Animal Friend Perk allows you to aim your gun at animals and attempt to pacify them
  • The arenas for Team Deathmatch are randomly picked from one of the many locations within Appalachia
  • The Battle of Anchorage saw the first deployment of the advanced T-51 series of Power Armor. With advanced servos and composite armor plating, it was a vast improvement over earlier models
  • The Chemistry Station allows you to craft useful chems and medicines
  • The Commando Perk increases the damage you deal with automatic weapons. This stacks with Expert Commando and Master Commando, so you can equip all three for maximum damage
  • The Cooking Station allows you to craft food and beverages that are free of disease and more effective at quenching Hunger and Thirst
  • The Data section of your Pip-Boy lists the quests you are on. From there, you can turn quest targets for individual quests on or off
  • The Dyer Chemical plant originally produced animal feed and other phosphates used for nearby farms
  • The enormous Mega Sloth is peaceful by nature, but highly protective of its territory. It's also not nearly as slow as one might expect
  • The Exotic Weapon Perk allows for the creation of more esoteric implements of death, like crossbows, black powder guns, the Syringer, and more
  • The experimental chem X-Cell grants a temporary bonus to every SPECIAL attribute
  • The first Super Mutants in Appalachia were created right before the Great War, when West Tek poisoned the drinking water of Huntersville with the FEV Virus, in a sinister, secret experiment gone horribly wrong.
  • The Flamer deals sustained energy damage in a wide area directly in front of it
  • The Free States were a group of Appalachian anarchists who seceded from the United States shortly before the bombs fell
  • The Gamma Gun deals Radiation damage, and as such is mainly effective against human opponents
  • The Garrahans and Hornwrights were the two major families in charge of Appalachia's mining industry. They owned lavish estates in the mountains overlooking their precious mines
  • The Hacker Perk allows you to hack level 1 terminals. This stacks with Expert Hacker and Master Hacker, allowing you to hack level 3 terminals if you have all three equipped
  • The Hard Bargain Perk gives you better prices when buying and selling from robot vendors
  • The Heavy Gunner Perk increases the damage you deal with non-explosive heavy guns
  • The Home Defense Perk allows you to craft standard traps and turrets
  • The Honey Beast is a horribly mutated honey bee that can attack by releasing dangerous insect swarms. Fortunately, it is particularly vulnerable to both heat and cold attacks
  • The Inspirational Perk will give you a bonus to all earned Experience Points whenever you're on a team
  • The Ironclad Perk increases the amount of damage resistance you gain for wearing armor
  • The lake and other polluted waters of the Toxic Valley region are home to all manner of mutated, aquatic beasts
  • The Last Laugh Perk gives you a chance to drop a live grenade from your inventory whenever you go down in combat
  • The Liberator robot was deployed by air onto American soil in the days leading up to the Great War. Its purpose was to inspire invading Chinese troops and spread Communist propaganda
  • The Lifegiver Perk increases your maximum Health
  • The medication inside a Stimpak heals injuries and can even restore damaged limbs
  • The mines deep within Appalachia's mountains still hold riches for those brave enough to venture below..
  • The Minigun will spin up faster and faster as you pull the trigger. Once it reaches maximum velocity, it will start firing
  • The most advanced suits of Power Armor to see extensive use were the T-60 models
  • The Natural Resistance Perk makes you less likely to catch a disease from the environment
  • The Pack Rat Perk reduces the weight of all junk items you carry
  • The Pannapictagraphist Perk will give you a directional audio cue when a Magazine is nearby
  • The Percepti-Bobble Perk will give you a directional audio cue when a Bobblehead is nearby
  • The Pharma Farma Perk gives you an increased chance of finding more first aid chems when you search a container
  • The Picklock Perk allows you to pick level 1 locks. This stacks with Expert Picklock and Master Picklock, allowing you to pick level 3 locks if you have all three equipped
  • The Pip-Boy can be tuned to different radio stations. They will continue to play when you leave the Pip-Boy until you go back in to switch stations or turn the radio off
  • The pride of General Atomics International, the Mister Handy was designed as the ultimate domestic servant. If needed, however, his various attachments can be used for defense
  • The Raider groups of Appalachia were bloodthirsty psychopaths who terrorized the other survivors, taking whatever they wanted from them
  • The region known to survivors as the "Toxic Valley" is covered by industrial white powder and polluted water sources
  • The Responders provided automated survival training to anyone in need. And it was needed quite a bit
  • The Rifleman Perk increases the damage you deal with non-automatic rifles. This stacks with Expert Rifleman and Master Rifleman. Equip all three for maximum damage!
  • The RobCo Assaultron is a frontline combat robot with exceptional melee capabilities. But it is her powerful head-mounted laser that, once fully charged, can decimate an enemy
  • The safest way to store items and equipment is to place them in your Stash Box, which cannot be accessed by other players
  • The Science Perk allows you to craft your own energy weapons
  • The Scorched are human beings afflicted by a strange condition known as the Scorched Plague, and are now controlled by a violent hive mind
  • The Sentry Bot was designed for one purpose: security through overwhelming firepower. Its only real weakness is the short "cool down" phase after attacking, when its Fusion Core is most vulnerable
  • The Shotgunner Perk increases the damage you deal with shotguns. This stacks with Expert Shotgunner and Master Shotgunner. Equip all three for maximum damage!
  • The source of endless fireside horror stories, the Grafton Monster is said to be a lumbering, pale, headless horror that wanders the woodlands of Grafton, West Virginia
  • The Suppressor Perk reduces the damage of any opponent you hit for a short period of time
  • The survivors of Appalachia avoided the Cranberry Bog more than any other region, and only the most well-equipped dared to travel here. The colorful red florae of the Cranberry Bog were originally West Virginia's naturally occurring cranberry, pitcher, and sundew plants
  • The Tenderizer Perk increases all damage your opponent receives after you hit them, for a short period of time
  • The tools of the past have become the weapons of the present. Chainsaws, fire axes, and even rolling pins serve as the arms for many a Wasteland combatant
  • The Top of the World was originally an enormous ski lift station, complete with shops and restaurants at its peak
  • The town of Grafton was built on the shores of the Tygart Valley River. It was a hub for shipping prior to the Great War, thanks to having both water and railroad access
  • The Travel Agent Perk reduces the cost you pay to Fast Travel
  • The Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center promised a future of automated, high-tech farming. But sometime after the war, their experimental Mister Farmhands turned that dream into a nightmare
  • The Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, or V.A.T.S., grants the user increased combat precision and tactical awareness
  • The Whitespring Resort had a long history of business with the federal government, and counted sitting US Presidents among its guests
  • There's nowhere to hide! When in V.A.T.S., the Penetrator Perk allows you to target an enemy's body parts that are blocked by cover
  • They can disintegrate foes, leaving behind piles of ash
  • They can melt enemies, leaving behind a pile of "goo." Trapped within their deteriorating mining suits, the Mole Miners are frenzied combatants who attack anything they perceive as a threat
  • They include the 10mm, Pipe Pistol, and Black Powder Pistol
  • They include the semi-automatic and bolt-action versions of the Assault Rifle, Combat Rifle, and Hunting Rifle
  • Thick layers of animal hide makes Leather Armor particularly suited to protecting against energy damage
  • Thirst and hunger can kill you just as sure as any Deathclaw
  • This stacks with Expert Heavy Gunner and Master Heavy Gunner, so equip all three for maximum damage! Realizing their robots' enormous military potential, General Atomics International developed the Mister Gutsy as a powerful wartime equivalent to the Mister Handy
  • Tired of healing wounded arms and legs? The Adamantium Skeleton Perk will reduce all limb damage received
  • To fight radiation, use the chems Rad-X and RadAway. Take Rad-X to temporarily increase your Radiation Resistance. Take RadAway if you've already been exposed
  • To survive in post-war Appalachia, it's important to make sure you're always stocked with food and water
  • Too much exposure to radiation can cause you to develop Mutations, which have both positive and negative effects
  • Trading rumors of the goings on inside those fenced-in walls was a popular pre-war pastime
  • Under great financial strain before the war, The Whitespring was forced to sell much of its surrounding land and replace the resort staff with more cost-effective robots
  • Use a Power Armor Station to repair and make modifications to your Power Armor
  • Use a Weapons Workbench to modify or repair your weapons, craft new ones, or scrap old weapons for parts
  • Use an Armor Workbench to craft your own armor, create modifications, make repairs, or scrap old armor for parts
  • Use your Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform, or C.A.M.P., to build things critical to your survival, like a Cooking Station, Stash Box, and Weapons Workbench
  • Using a collected magazine grants a temporary, unique bonus. You can find the same issue multiple times, and each time it's used will either award the bonus, or refresh the timer if it's already active
  • Vault 76 was built to house the best and brightest of America. Unlike most of Vault-Tec's projects, it was exactly what it appeared: a refuge for the future hope of humanity
  • Vault 76 was built to save the best and the brightest in the event of a nuclear holocaust. On Reclamation Day, they would emerge and begin to rebuild America. Today is that day..
  • Want to lock in your current Mutations?
  • Wearing a Gas Mask or Hazmat Suit will eliminate the risk of Disease from sources like smoke inhalation and being submerged in water
  • What could go wrong? Equip the Field Surgeon Perk, and Stimpaks and RadAway will work much more quickly
  • What's more deadly than being hit by a sledgehammer? Being hit by a sledgehammer that has a rocket strapped to it
  • What's worse than walking through the forest and getting munched on by a Tick? Walking through post-apocalyptic Appalachia and getting munched on by a giant, mutated, irradiated Tick
  • When in doubt, boil it out! The region surrounding Vault 76 was known as "the Forest" to the survivors of Appalachia
  • While Morgantown was home to Vault-Tec University and experienced something of a re-vitalization before the war, the townspeople all knew the harsh truth: Vault entrance was not guaranteed
  • While Raleigh Clay was the public face of the Free States, his arrest would reveal US Senator Sam Blackwell to also be a driving force behind the movement
  • While RobCo's Protectron robots were meant to replace human workers in areas that were deemed too dangerous, many people in Appalachia actually saw them as a threat to their jobs
  • While the venom of their stingers is deadly, the real threat from a Radscorpion is their ability to ambush their prey from underground
  • While there are actually several Mirelurk species, most are heavily armored and aggressive. If facing one in combat, try to aim for an unprotected area, like the face
  • While vulnerable out in the open, Mole Rats can burrow underground in seconds. This allows them to set up ambushes or escape from predators with alarming speed
  • Who needs friends when you're this smart? Using Daddy-O grants a temporary bonus to Intelligence and Perception, but also a temporary penalty to Charisma
  • Who needs other people? Equip the Lone Wanderer Perk, and you'll take less damage and regenerate Action Points faster when you're not on a team
  • Why settle for some "off-the-shelf" piece of armor? Craft your own modifications with the Armorer Perk! Want to channel your inner Grognak?
  • Why won't that thing just die?
  • With the Anti-Epidemic Perk, curing a disease also has a chance to cure a disease on nearby teammates
  • With the Barbarian Perk, you gain increased damage resistance. The higher your Strength, the greater the resistance
  • With the Class Freak Perk, the negative effects of mutations are reduced
  • With the Concentrated Fire Perk, every additional attack on the same body part in V.A.T.S. improves both your chance of landing a hit, and the damage dealt when you do
  • With the Gladiator Perk, one-handed weapons do more damage
  • With the Good Doggy Perk, you gain three times the benefits from eating dog food. Yum!
  • With the Robotics Expert Perk equipped, you can attempt to hack robots in order to pacify them
  • With the Strange In Numbers Perk, the positive effects of mutations are stronger if your teammates are mutated too
  • With the Team Medic Perk equipped, using a Stimpak also heals nearby teammates for a smaller amount. This effect is increased if you also have the First Aid and Field Surgeon Perks equipped
  • With the Vaccinated Perk equipped, you are less likely to catch a disease from a creature's attack
  • With the Wasteland Whisperer Perk equipped, you can aim at various Wasteland creatures with your gun and attempt to pacify them
  • Work together! Watoga was built as a joint effort between the federal government, RobCo, and Atomic Mining Services to build a "city of the future."
  • Workshops are areas that produce valuable resources. When claimed, you can build resource collectors and defenses to protect them from both dangerous creatures and hostile players
  • You and your team are entering the Irrational Fear event.
  • You can craft remedies for diseases at a Cooking Station or Chemistry Station. Without a remedy, a disease will run its course and go away after enough time has passed
  • You can restore Health by using a Stimpak or similar medication, eating food, or drinking from a water source
  • You might think that you'd never see someone walk the hills of Appalachia with a portable naval cannon, but the existence of the Broadsider would prove you wrong

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